About this Maker

No Man Walks Alone x Pentimento

Repurposing and revaluing forgotten archive pieces with needle artist Tim Haught

Tim Haught is a wizard. He throws fabric scraps, old buttons and threads (no salamander tails, we think) into his creative cauldron and whips up some incredible garments. Repurposing, recycling, upcycling - we're not sure how to describe his work under the Pentimento project, but one thing is certain: the creativity that drives the process is unique and so darned (I know...) cool.

While Tim typically focuses on giving a new life to abandoned vintage pieces, we linked up for another take on reducing waste: revaluing some garments that have been devalued by the sale and markdown process. Tim dug through some pieces left over after our archive sales, all brand new but not finding their rightful owner. Instead of devaluing these great garments any further with even more discounts, we embarked on this adventure with Pentimento to revalue them by remixing them together.

Like the DJ Premier of sewing, Tim decomposed these clothes and assembled those "samples" into whole new head-banging jawns. He also picked up decommissioned swatch books from our tailoring showroom and started patching them into shirts. Lots of makers can chop up a shirt and sew it into another one, but what sets Tim's creation apart is his specific vision, his use of colors and geometry to create pieces that can instantly be recognized by those in the know. 

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No Man Walks Alone x Pentimento
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